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When We Were Trekkies Issue 1: Stardate Zero by Joe Sikoryak

When We Were Trekkies Issue 1: Stardate Zero by Joe Sikoryak

Regular price $5.90 CAD
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On the third planet of an insignificant star, three high schoolers named Jonny, Harold and Tom take comfort in watching reruns of their favorite sci-fi show. The thrilling, optimistic stories stand in stark relief to the dull, grinding reality of their home town, and the asbestos factory that is its namesake.

Learning of a Star Trek convention in New York City, the boys join forces to crash the festivities, and compete in a costume contest. Can they overcome technical challenges, parental resistance, and hostile classmates to realize their dream?


Published October, 2022 Duotone covers on 100lb gloss, b/w interiors on 70lb matte 20 pg, 8.5 x 11”

Self published by the artist.

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