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Transvestia Issue #3: Religion and Transgenderism

Transvestia Issue #3: Religion and Transgenderism

Regular price $17.74 CAD
Regular price Sale price $17.74 CAD
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Mission Statement:

1. To provide REPRESENTATION for those identified in the trans and nonbinary community.

2. To provide INFORMATION to those who, through ignorance, condemn that which they do not understand.

3. To provide EDUCATION for those who see evil where none exists.

Excerpt (Letter from the editor):

Transvestia Issue 3: Religion and Transgenderism includes many stories from all kinds of different trans and nonbinary individuals about their experiences with religion in their lives. It has two stories written in other languages, poems scattered throughout, and an analytical article. It also includes Trans Dressing/Passing Tips, How to Handle Transphobia: Religious Edition, as well as other articles. I'm happy to announce there are two new types of articles included in this issue as well. It is a great read for trans/nonbinary and cis folks alike. 

It's 41 pages total, excluding front and back covers.

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