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Time Dog and Other Atomic Fairytales by Vincent Kings

Time Dog and Other Atomic Fairytales by Vincent Kings

Regular price $28.10 CAD
Regular price $36.98 CAD Sale price $28.10 CAD
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Meet Noelle Bolan, aspiring time-traveler! She’s not so good at it yet because time travel is only possible for those that live in the moment - without regretting the past or worrying about the future. That’s where Time Dog comes in…


Time Dog is the perfect time traveler! He doesn’t make plans or do anything a dog wouldn’t do. Together he and Noelle embark on epic adventures across space and time…


Time Dog and Other Atomic Fairytales is a 64 page, oversize hardcover volume (8.5”x13”) full of sci-fi whimsy for all ages.


Published by Sincere! Comics .ink

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