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Spiny Orb Weaver no. 1 by Miss Jaws and Tana Oshima

Spiny Orb Weaver no. 1 by Miss Jaws and Tana Oshima

Regular price $14.67 CAD
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Spiny Orb Weaver is a comic arts journal, edited by Neil Brideau, that investigates the cartooning scene in South Florida! In each issue, a local cartoonist is commissioned to draw a new 12-page comic. Following the comic, Neil interviews the cartoonist. Back-pages are devoted to comics and essays by people who have lived in South Florida, but now live elsewhere.

In this inaugural issue, Miss Jaws tells the story of Max the dog, who is trying to coax his owner, DJ to be more outgoing with their neighbors. As the pair walk through their neighborhood, we investigate issues surrounding social anxiety, isolation, and connecting with our community.

Tana Oshima caps the issue off with a meditation on paradise and what it meant to her when she lived in Miami.

Spiny Orb Weaver is the kind of publication that fills a gap for those comic aficionados who want to not just lose themselves in the craft of comics but to see that work examined, explored and dissected as well.”
-Andy Oliver, Broken Frontier [Full Review]

“The next comic I see with [Miss Jaws’] name on it or in it is one that I’ll be buying immediately, as she is every bit the proverbial ‘talent to watch.'”
-Ryan C. Four Color Apocalypse [Full Review]

“It’s Brideau’s mission, I believe, to highlight this abundance as an editor, publisher, creator, and enthusiast of comics.”
-Rob Clough, High-Low [Full Review]

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