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Naked Body: An Anthology of Chinese Comics edited by Yan Cong

Naked Body: An Anthology of Chinese Comics edited by Yan Cong

Regular price $32.40 CAD
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 18+ NSFW!!! Contains Nudity!

Naked Body 裸体 is an independent comics anthology featuring some of the most active members of the mainland China comics community. Edited by Yan Cong, the only requirement for comics in the anthology was that all of the main characters be naked. The resulting book is over 100 pages of playful, intimate, and loopy comics, with a focus on outstanding illustration.

"Naked Body opens up a hidden world that not many of us in America actually knows exists." - Comics Beat

"Naked Body is a highly enjoyable and intriguing anthology... Let’s give Paradise Systems a round of applause and hope they’ll consider an encore." - The Comics Journal.

"Nudity in the anthology inevitably works as a metaphor for all the things that the forces of repression frown upon: sex, silliness, irreverence, thinking about the the world in a different way." - The Guardian

Thank you to everyone who backed the Kickstarter!

Featured artists:

Zuo Ma 左马

Yan Cong 烟囱

Inkee Wang 王颖琦

Wang XX 王XX

Sadan 撒旦君

Leng Wenzhi 冷

Zhai Yanjun 翟砚军

Tianxing Wan 青正

Hanada 花天

Shuran 舒然

Yuwei Gong 宫煜伟 (SM)

Zhao Xin 赵欣

Ryan Xie 谢恺宸

Tao Benyuan 淘本圆

Zuo Xin 左新

Madame Aveugle & Lingnan Rose 盲公夫人 & 岭南玫瑰

Shijie Hai 海世杰

Wang Hang 王航


Offset / color / 116 pages / 6.7 x 9.5"

ISBN: 978-0-9989050-9-9

Published by Paradise Systems.

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