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Miffed Ruffianz by Rodger Binyone

Miffed Ruffianz by Rodger Binyone

Regular price $ 15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 15.00 USD
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Master of psychedelic mechanics Rodger Binyone presents Miffed Ruffianz: 32 neon Pantone pages following the blazzzed up, burned out, over-medium Sci-Fi Punk Maniacz taking the localz by storm. Retro-future rock band shredz & medz it’s way to battle sworn rivalz, laying waste to the Regularz along the way.


"Binyone marries mechanical precision with the free-form and free-wheeling ethos of psychedelia literally like no one else, but the mental “sound” conjured by this new work is hardly that of Yes or The Doors and is instead something halfway between Black Flag and Kraftwerk, if you can (or even care to?) imagine such a thing." - Ryan Carey, SOLRAD


Saddle-stitched; 32 full-color pages; 8" x 10"; ISBN: 978-1-945509-19-3; SRP: $15; Release date: 12/02/20
Limited printing of 1,000

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