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Fuck Off Squad: Remastered Edition by Nicole Goux and Dave Baker

Fuck Off Squad: Remastered Edition by Nicole Goux and Dave Baker

Regular price $ 21.99 USD
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Fuck Off Squad by Nicole Goux (Shadow of the Batgirl, Everyone Is Tulip) and Dave Baker (Everyone Is Tulip, Night Hunters) follows three would-be miscreants as they attempt to navigate the trials and tribulations of growing up in Los Angeles.

Needless to say, it’s the greatest comic about Instagram, skating, and low-key trying to date someone while you’re still in a relationship ever made.

This remastered edition includes updated art, a new minicomic, and an additional essay from Dave Baker.


“Yes! Top Notch writing and art! A glorious celebration of what the comics medium can offer. These two are the future of comics.” — Jim Mahfood, Grrl Scouts, Tank Girl

“Baker and Goux perfectly capture the exhilarating freedom of young adulthood. Skateboarding, music, and relationships. Baker’s writing crackles with energy and Goux’s art is alive. Inspiring.” — Jim Rugg, Street Angel, Plane Janes

Fuck Off Squad is everything I want in life and comics. it teeters on me being its biggest fan and biggest hater because I wish I had the teeth to make it myself.” — Sina Grace, Iceman, Self-Obsessed

"I so enjoyed artist Nicole Goux’s work on Shadow of The Batgirl that I sought out more and found this blast of a book, a collaboration between Goux and writer Dave Baker about three young skater friends and their messy love lives.” J. Caleb Mozzocco, Every Day is Like Wednesday


120 limited-color pages; 6.625” x 10.187” paperback; ISBN 978-1-945509-96-4; SRP: $21.99; Release date: 9/14/22

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